Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 4 Council Meeting

Pretty quick meeting, and had everyone there except CM Hill. We talked about future street repairs and updates. The north block of Main Street and the street just east of Casey's going north from Maple will be getting asphalt updates. Then there are various repairs and crack fillings that we will be doing. In the City Clerk report we talked about the County Supervisors meeting Jodi and I attended to make a presentation for our grant request for asbestos abatement at 218 N Main (the old library building). We should know by October or so if we will get that grant ($12,500 we asked for)

A couple of quick resolutions were passed. We awarded the bid for asbestos abatement, and to authorize the Clerk to transfer some funds into savings. On that last part, it was money that was budgeted, but not spent. If the money was set aside for some future project, we simply need to do a resolution for moving it to savings.

We had more discussion on the sewer trunk line project. An idea was proposed by our city staff about changing the route of the line. We had always focused on Samson because we wanted to run down the back yards of those folks. But since that didn't work out, we just planned to go under the street. But after more pondering, if we were going to have to go to the expense of boring under a street, a thought was presented about taking it under Cottonwood. The distance is the same, and we would not have to cross the property (where we already have an easement) of one homeonwer, and one farmer. The existing trunk line would continue to serve pretty much everything west of Cottonwood. The new line would serve everything east, would cut down on 2 blocks of potential sewer line we were going to put in, and be prepped for any growth to the south or east of Roland. Sounded like a pretty good idea. Now we just need to know what the cost difference may be. So the engineer working on this project is going to shoot us an estimate on that, and we should know at the next meeting.

That was pretty much it, and we had a quicky, only 25 minutes. Next meeting is on the 18th.

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