Sunday, August 25, 2013

Property Tax Bill

I just received my property tax bill, and I presume the rest of you did as well. A couple things of note if you didn't go thru it in detail. Of your total bill, the City of Roland takes 32.7% of it. The school takes 42%, the county 17.9, and the rest goes to a smattering of agencies.

I suppose it depends on your valuation, and any changes there, but my taxes went down (my valuation remained the same). That was primarily due to a decrease in the school's collection. That was nice to see. I know the school board has been working hard on funding and such. As a reminder, the school still does however collect a 10% income tax surcharge.

The City of Roland's collections went up 4.2%. We held our general levy rate the same, however our bond payment on street construction went up, and that is the difference. I haven't looked at everyone's new rates across the county, but last year Roland had the 5th lowest tax rate of the 14 communities in Story County. I would expect we will stay around there for the next fiscal year.

Aug 21 Council meeting

Had everybody there for this council meeting. As an aside, we took photos at the end to get on the city's new website. Not quite ready to unveil it yet. But I've seen the template, and it looks pretty good. It has a more modern look, and hopefully some updated information as well.

In department heads reports, we had some discussion about street repairs. We are in the process of getting bids for some crack filling. Also our new tractor was to arrive this week. I think the old one was about 12 years old or so. I'll try to get a pic of it on the blog sometime. City Clerk Meredith reported on the bids we got regarding asbestos removal at 218 and 220 N Main. We also had a report from Pool Board Chair Rob Coghlan on how the pool season went. Pretty bad event free, and the pool held water. (No leaks! We had a late start, but mechanically speaking, this was one of the best years in a long time)

The council approved a reduction in the sewer bill for a resident with a new home and had lots of watering his new sod. He had inquired about that before the watering began. The council was appreciative of that, and had a little discussion about creating a policy regarding sewer reduction on new grass watering, and other similar events.

We had some quick motions and approvals for me to sign the animal control contract with Story County, approving the road use report with the DOT, and approving a raise for City Clerk Meredith. She has recently received her Certified Municipal Clerk designation. Always nice to see people taking more training and becoming a greater asset to the organization they work for.

Got an update on the new sewer trunk line, which basically wasn't one, as not much as moved forward since the last meeting.

We also had a report from one of the Story County deputies. As our city's police force, they haven't been at the last couple meetings due to some misunderstanding as to when our council meetings were. They have recently changed our city's liaisons. We had some more discussion about the department's reaction and response to potential child abductions. Outside of this particular meeting, I recently met with Sheriff Fitzgerald. He mentioned that child abductions are his department's first response item.

Drifting away from the meeting some more, just a reminder that the Story County Sheriff's Department is our city's police force. If there is a police matter in Roland, be it crimes, issues with neighbors potentially breaking city ordinances and such, they are the folks to call. That's why we pay them.

I guess I got on a little tangent there, so back to the meeting, that pretty much wraps it up. Next meeting will be September 4.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Roland-Story All-Time football stats and records

Roland-Story Assistant Coach Jeff Janes has updated the all-time Norsemen football stats with the 2012 season. Now that the 2013 season is just around the corner, I'm ready to go. Just passing this along if you in the mood for football too. Always fun to look back and see some names on the list that still live around here.

A couple current players can move up the all-time list in a couple categories this season, as they were doing well as underclassmen.

HERE is the link.

My favorite tab to look at is all-time record versus various schools. R-S doesn't have a losing record against many, though a couple of those are on the schedule again this year.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Good times at the Roland Museum

Stopped down at the Roland Museum this afternoon with my son. I've been there before, but it's been a couple of years. Actually, I was there a week ago, but I couldn't stay long. On that trip, I was dropping off the baseball that was the first pitch thrown at Britson Park.

Anyway, on my trip today, I really enjoyed myself. I endorse going and stopping in and checking the place out. It is open on Sundays in the summer, from 1 to 4. So if you want to go, you have two Sundays left this year.

My favorite thing is looking at old yearbooks. They have yearbooks from Roland High School. As you thumb through them, you can find people that still live around here. Having only lived here 16 years or so, I don't remember the old school, but it is interesting to look at photos of the old school and imagine it sitting there where our current middle school is.

As mayor, something I found really interesting was the old city council minutes. I found a book with the 1899 city council minutes. It was kind of a hard read (especially without my glasses). It was written in cursive (good penmanship though), but that "old style" cursive is kinda hard to muddle through.

The trophy display is fun too. All the basketball and softball trophies from Roland High are there. There are some pretty sweet looking trophies.

So again, stop in some time and take a look. Even if you are like me, and not a native of Roland, it is certainly interesting to see historical Roland.

Finally, a thanks goes out to the folks that volunteer to maintain the museum, and sit there on Sundays to keep it open.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

May 7 Council Meeting

Had everybody for the meeting, tho CM Sargent had to leave at 7. I think the meeting took about an hour and a half.

We had a presentation, small discussion around street repair. We did have some past pondering about paving East Maple--the concrete section. Though two different engineers said it is still in good shape, and just needs some minor repairs. So that is going to be put off for now. Take a look at that street sometime. It was poured in 1963. That thing has held up great for being a 50 year old road.

We had an extended discussion regarding leasing of city property--at our city sheds on the north side of town---to 1 Source Wireless, which wants to put up a tower which will have Verizon cellular equipment. One neighbor to the property was opposed to the plan, and came to the meeting to give his reasons against the tower. He did present a petition of people opposed to the tower, but he was the only one that came to the meeting to speak against it.

I get why folks may be opposed to a cell tower. But just like power lines, and sewer lines, they have to go somewhere. And I think on city property, on the edge of town, in an area zoned Industrial, is an appropriate place for a cell tower. In a previous meeting, the Board of Adjustments approved the tower 5-0, and in this particular council meeting, the city council voted 5-0 in favor of signing the lease.

So at some point, the tower will go up, Verizon will put their gear on the tower, and those of you who have Verizon service will have improved coverage in town. But just sayin'...US Cellular has cared about the folks in Roland for about the last 10 years. Their repeater is still transmitting from the water tower.

The council also approved an increase in compensation for our City Clerk Jodi Meredith. Jodi has recently completed her Certified Municipal Clerk classwork. We have in the past given city employees raises as the increase their professional certifications. Jodi is doing a nice job for the city, and I certainly felt the increase was worthy.

The council finalized the ordinance for the No Parking Zone by Britson Park. Pretty basic stuff there. Another basic task was approving our contract with Wellmark for employee health insurance. We only had a 1% raise in rates this year, so that was good, and certainly atypical for most employers.

Lastly, the council approved, with one dissenting vote, to go forward with the trunk line sewer by boring it under Samson Street. We could never work out an arrangement with most of the property owners along Samson Street to take the less expensive route along the creek. So here is the deal Roland residents.....

This plan is going to cost an extra $200,000. So because of the unwillingness of those people to be a little flexible for the good of Roland, with approximately 550 households in Roland, you are going to have to pay an extra $350 or so because those folks aren't team players. So those folks just handed you a bill for $350.00. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Britson Park receives $1000 grant

Got word today that the Alliant Energy Foundation has awarded $1000 to Britson Park for the purchase of fence toppers. I filled out the grant request a couple months ago. This is a nice thing to get, and certainly a help for the safety of players. And for the dads who prefer to stand up and lean on the fence to watch games. It is a lot more comfortable on the forearms! Here is what they will look like, color to be determined.

Here is the news release I sent out.

Roland's new Britson Park has received a $1,000 grant from the Alliant Energy Foundation. The grant request was for the purchase of fence toppers for both the softball and baseball fields at the park.

The fence toppers are corrugated plastic tile that will go on top of the chain link fence. The fence toppers have a dual purpose. The main reason is for safety, as it will protect players from sharp edges on the top of the fence. An added bonus is that it will provide a more comfortable arm rest for fans who may wish to lean on the fence while watching a game.

"This is a nice grant to receive, " said Roland Mayor Roger Fritz. "We really like our new fields, and this a great way to help protect the players who use them. Alliant is our city's electric and natural gas provider, and I'm appreciative that the Alliant Energy Foundation chose to contribute to Britson Park."

The toppers will be installed before the start of the 2014 season. Britson Park's grand opening was held in June of 2013. The Britson Park Committee continues to fund raise for the construction of the restroom/storage/concession stand. For more information on the park, or to purchase a Memorial Brick, visit