Sunday, August 25, 2013

Aug 21 Council meeting

Had everybody there for this council meeting. As an aside, we took photos at the end to get on the city's new website. Not quite ready to unveil it yet. But I've seen the template, and it looks pretty good. It has a more modern look, and hopefully some updated information as well.

In department heads reports, we had some discussion about street repairs. We are in the process of getting bids for some crack filling. Also our new tractor was to arrive this week. I think the old one was about 12 years old or so. I'll try to get a pic of it on the blog sometime. City Clerk Meredith reported on the bids we got regarding asbestos removal at 218 and 220 N Main. We also had a report from Pool Board Chair Rob Coghlan on how the pool season went. Pretty bad event free, and the pool held water. (No leaks! We had a late start, but mechanically speaking, this was one of the best years in a long time)

The council approved a reduction in the sewer bill for a resident with a new home and had lots of watering his new sod. He had inquired about that before the watering began. The council was appreciative of that, and had a little discussion about creating a policy regarding sewer reduction on new grass watering, and other similar events.

We had some quick motions and approvals for me to sign the animal control contract with Story County, approving the road use report with the DOT, and approving a raise for City Clerk Meredith. She has recently received her Certified Municipal Clerk designation. Always nice to see people taking more training and becoming a greater asset to the organization they work for.

Got an update on the new sewer trunk line, which basically wasn't one, as not much as moved forward since the last meeting.

We also had a report from one of the Story County deputies. As our city's police force, they haven't been at the last couple meetings due to some misunderstanding as to when our council meetings were. They have recently changed our city's liaisons. We had some more discussion about the department's reaction and response to potential child abductions. Outside of this particular meeting, I recently met with Sheriff Fitzgerald. He mentioned that child abductions are his department's first response item.

Drifting away from the meeting some more, just a reminder that the Story County Sheriff's Department is our city's police force. If there is a police matter in Roland, be it crimes, issues with neighbors potentially breaking city ordinances and such, they are the folks to call. That's why we pay them.

I guess I got on a little tangent there, so back to the meeting, that pretty much wraps it up. Next meeting will be September 4.

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