Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Roof at the Park

The concession stand/maintenance shed/press box at the softball diamonds has a new roof on it, mainly thanks to 4 Park Board members. Jason McLatchie, Tony Greene, Jerry Balmer, and Josh Greenfield each put in about 16 hours each last weekend, reroofing the building.

Previously it had shingles, but now it has a red steel roof. It looks great. I was there the other night, and it stood up to some foul ball softballs quite well. Hope it never has to deal with softball sized hail though!

Those guys gave up time on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, for no pay, to help out the city, and help out the users of our park. I really appreciate it. Give those guys an atta boy, the next time you see them. Here is a view from the press box.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 20 Council Meeting

About an hour and half meeting, with a full compliment of city council members, and about 15 others "in the house". Notes from the meeting:

We heard (and I have since noticed) that we were going to get some pothole patching. Our city clerk attended a small cities workshop put on by the Iowa League of Cities.

The council gave the go ahead to with a lease agreement with 1 Source Wireless for a new cell tower to go up north of the city shed. Not sure which carrier is going to go on the tower, this is just a company that builds towers. I think it is safe to assume some carrier is lined up to go tho.

We heard some updates on Ragbrai. If you have any interest in helping, or setting up a booth, there is still time to do so.

We got an update from the engineering firm hired (MSA) who will be doing our sump pump inspections. Those will begin later this year, and every property in Roland will need an inspection. (and will need to pass!) This is part of trying to get rid of storm water out of our sanitary sewer system, which we are obligated to treat. This is one of the most cost effective ways to do so.

We had a rather lengthy discussion on our proposed trunk line sewer project. Some of the folks along Samson, and who would have the new sewer line running thru their backyards are looking for written answers to their questions regarding the project. We have the fact based ones from our city engineer prepared. Answers to other questions, such as why the proposed project was considered, are not, in my opinion, something that can be answered as a whole, because that comes down to judgment of the deliberative body, namely the city council. And each council member has their reasons, though I will say, they are generally along the same line of thought.

So I tried to lead a conversation, and have each council member give his or her viewpoint, and interest in the project. I am still going to write my personal commentary on it, and the whys as I see that. The conversation got a bit "warm" at times. But as long as we are all still talking, that is a good thing. Hopefully a solution that is good for Roland's long term is achieved. I think all parties have an interest in that.

That pretty much wrapped up the meeting. The council is still trying to figure out when the next meeting will be. It is scheduled for the 1st Monday of the month, which is July 4. Still haven't decided if we can go that night or not. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Roland Fireworks will be at nightfall on July 3

I have had some people asking me about fireworks. So at nightfall on Tuesday, July 3 will be the fireworks. If you have any interest in helping, fireworks are paid for with can donations. If you want to be a can collecting helper, contact City Hall. That is an easy way to help your community.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 6 Council meeting

Nice to have all council members and mayor in attendance at the same meeting. Haven't had that in awhile.

We opened with a public hearing (which nobody spoke for or against) regarding the city selling property. It is our intent, and we approved the sale of the city's lot north of the car wash. The builder who had built the duplexes on South Main Street, and on Cottonwood is interested in putting duplexes up on that lot. We didn't have any potential use for that lot, so hopefully we will get some properties built on it, and generating more property tax revenue. The lot was sold for its assessed value of $4100.

We heard from the Sheriff's Department, as they usually stop by every, or every other meeting. Nice to report no major issues in town per usual--just the usual comments about speeding and such.

We approved a RAGBRAI ordinance. It set the fees and rules regarding sales stands being set up in the city during RAGBRAI. The fees are laid out depending on the type and home location of the vendor. For more details in getting a stand in Roland, please contact City Hall. I believe there is going to be another RAGBRAI meeting on June 25.

The council discussed the lease of land to I Source Wireless for the construction of a cell tower in Roland. They are a company that puts up towers and leases them to wireless companies for cell antennas. It is much like a developer who might build a mall, and then lease space to retailers. Anyway, they would like a spot for what would likely be about a 150 foot monopole tower, somewhere on city land. The 3 likely spots where the city has available land are near the sewer plant, in Britson Park, or north of the city sheds. I think the general consensus of the council was that north of the sheds would be an appropriate place. We are doing some more investigating and pondering that, and will take it up at the next council meeting.

On June 30, many appointments to the city boards and commissions expire. The following people have agreed to re-up on these generally thankless jobs. I appreciate the time they put in. Some of them don't require much time, as they rarely meet--like Planning and Zoning and Board of Adjustment. But still, somebody has to do it, so I appreciate it. Here they are:

Library Board, Jerry Handsaker and Steve Olson. Park Board, Tony Greene and Josh Greenfield. P&Z, Denny Posegate. Pool Board, Jeremy Heaberlin and Val Gregori. Board of Adjustment, Keith Lyman. Arthur Drive Rocks! 5 of the 8 are from Arthur Drive, and 2 more are just around the corner. If you have any interest in being on a board, I am always looking for interested people when openings pop up. Let me know, or drop your name at City Hall.

We had a discussion with the council and some citizens regarding the proposed sewer trunk line that would go along Bear Creek and behind the homes on Samson. Tricia Anderson spoke for several citizens in that general vicinity, and presented a list of questions and concerns the folks in that area have about the project. The council and city engineer will be working to provide answers to that list, and hopefully a good dialogue on this project continues.

The council approved MSA Engineering to be the contractor who will be doing sump inspections in all homes in the city. They will be charging $30 per inspection to the city. Details on how to arrange an inspection will be forthcoming. As a reminder, all homes in the city will need this inspection, per our recently passed city ordinance. The purpose is to ensure that all sump pumps are drained to the outside of the home in rigid piping for the purpose of keeping ground water out of our sanitary sewer system.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Alliant Natural Gas rate increase

I presume you got a letter from Alliant talking about their proposed rate increase for natural gas. I swear, Alliant must be the most inept company on the planet. Natural gas rates are low as they have ever been, according to their letter, the gas itself makes up 70% or so of the bill, they get to continue to charge the old rates to consumers, even though their cost of gas is at an all time low, and they still need a rate increase. Inept.

If you want to comment to the Iowa Utilities Board on the proposed increase, you can email them at

Not sure if it will do any good, but I felt better sending an email making snarky remarks about Alliant.

June 5 Election

In case you hadn't heard, there is an election on Tuesday. Pretty low key, because it is a primary, and there is only 1 contested race in our precinct. I believe the polls are open from 7AM to 9PM. I'm guessing it is going to be a long day for our election workers.

As it is a primary, you can only vote if you are registered Republican or Democrat. For the Republicans, in Roland/Howard Township, there are no contested races. For the Democrats, there is a contested race, and that is for the Iowa House seat for our new district, District 49. Garland Bridges of Eldora and Kevin Ericson of Maxwell are duking it out for the opportunity to take on our current representative, Dave Deyoe, in the fall election. I do know Mr. Bridges has been in town, as he dropped off some literature at my house.

I was on the Story County Auditor's website, and found some interesting info. There are 1335 registered voters in Roland/Howard Township. 315 are Democrats, 483 are Republicans, 536 are No Party, and 1 is other. (The other is not me by the way. Despite my interest in the Libertarians, I am registered Republican so I could go vote in the caucus this past January.) Our numbers mirror other northern Story County precincts, as registrations tilt Republican and No Party. No Party is the biggest registration leader in Story County, and with Ds holding more registrations than Rs due to registration totals in the more populated Ames precincts. HERE are the county totals if you are interested.