Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 20 Council Meeting

About an hour and half meeting, with a full compliment of city council members, and about 15 others "in the house". Notes from the meeting:

We heard (and I have since noticed) that we were going to get some pothole patching. Our city clerk attended a small cities workshop put on by the Iowa League of Cities.

The council gave the go ahead to with a lease agreement with 1 Source Wireless for a new cell tower to go up north of the city shed. Not sure which carrier is going to go on the tower, this is just a company that builds towers. I think it is safe to assume some carrier is lined up to go tho.

We heard some updates on Ragbrai. If you have any interest in helping, or setting up a booth, there is still time to do so.

We got an update from the engineering firm hired (MSA) who will be doing our sump pump inspections. Those will begin later this year, and every property in Roland will need an inspection. (and will need to pass!) This is part of trying to get rid of storm water out of our sanitary sewer system, which we are obligated to treat. This is one of the most cost effective ways to do so.

We had a rather lengthy discussion on our proposed trunk line sewer project. Some of the folks along Samson, and who would have the new sewer line running thru their backyards are looking for written answers to their questions regarding the project. We have the fact based ones from our city engineer prepared. Answers to other questions, such as why the proposed project was considered, are not, in my opinion, something that can be answered as a whole, because that comes down to judgment of the deliberative body, namely the city council. And each council member has their reasons, though I will say, they are generally along the same line of thought.

So I tried to lead a conversation, and have each council member give his or her viewpoint, and interest in the project. I am still going to write my personal commentary on it, and the whys as I see that. The conversation got a bit "warm" at times. But as long as we are all still talking, that is a good thing. Hopefully a solution that is good for Roland's long term is achieved. I think all parties have an interest in that.

That pretty much wrapped up the meeting. The council is still trying to figure out when the next meeting will be. It is scheduled for the 1st Monday of the month, which is July 4. Still haven't decided if we can go that night or not. Stay tuned.

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