Friday, January 20, 2012

January 18 council meeting

Nothing real earth shaking at the council meeting. We will get busy over the next 2 months as we finalize the budget. As for Wednesday, the council approved a 3% pay raise for the library employees. That was to finalize what the Library Board had previously approved.

We did some housekeeping by approving who was approved to sign checks, removing former City Clerk Deneen Frost and former city councilman Corey Johnson, but adding in the new clerk and new councilman.

The council also approved my appointment of Jason McLatchie to the Roland Park Board, to take the place of Brandon Hansen, who resigned that spot.

That was pretty much it in regards to decisions of note. The next council meeting will be Wednesday Feb 1.


  1. You should put this on the Roland section of glurb so it would reach more of us residents.

    1. I look at Glurb occasionally. It doesn't seem to get enough hits to be worth my while. But thanks for the idea.
