Sunday, August 8, 2010

Council Meeting tomorrow night

Just a note on a couple agenda items that are on the docket for tomorrow's council meeting. Of course, citizens are always invited to our meetings. But 90% of it is just humdrum, not controversial, not particularly interesting stuff.

Tomorrow night is two things that may perk a little more interest tho. One is we will likely be holding a vote to borrow money to complete Arthur Drive and Bryan Avenue. I think it is a good idea, but if passed, it will obviously raise taxes to pay for it.

The 2nd will be a discussion on "Urban Chickens". I know this is a hobby/pastime that is growing across the US. There is some interest by some Roland citizens to do this. Under our current ordinance, it probably falls under the "not allowed" due to not having farm animals in town. However, assuming you don't have a rooster, they are pretty quiet, and inoffensive.

But that may be a topic that I am assuming people might like to weigh in on, pro or con. So I wanted to remind folks of it here.

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