Friday, May 3, 2013

Roland Days

Ya know, we haven't had a Roland Days for a couple years. Probably not going to happen in 2013 either. Mostly it comes down to the folks that did it before just needed to step away, and nobody picked up the ball with it going forward. So thought it would be a good time to ask around again.

Do you know, or do you know anyone who would want to be the lead for doing a Roland Days? It really takes someone good at delegating, and if they can do that, they really wouldn't need to work that hard.

I hear lots of people say, "I'd help out at Roland Days". With "help out" being the key words. So anyway, just thought I'd ask, and see if that interests anyone. If you are interested, we have plenty of time until 2014. Drop me a note, or call down to City Hall.

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