Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jan 16 Council Meeting

I'd like to post something about it, but I wasn't there. The meeting for Story County Emergency Management was at the same time. As mayor, I am Roland's representative to the board. I have been ditching those in the past and letting my proxy go (these meetings are held on a 3rd Wednesday-which conflict with city council). But this Emergency Management meeting had to approve a budget, and do some bylaw changes, and it required an elected official to vote on the EM budget for a given political entity. And they need to assure a quorum, so it helped if I was there. I do not count as part of the quorum for city council, as I am not a voting member.

So Duane Canny is my Mayor Pro Tem, and he ran the city council meeting. Here are the minutes of that meeting.

Back to the Story County Emergency Management Board. All incorporated cities, the Story County Board of Supervisors, and I think the Sheriff's Dept all have a seat on the board. There are two employees in this agency, and they handle the prep for and dealing with emergencies of all kinds in Story County. I know they were up in Roland for our gas leak a year or so ago, and also were on hand for the scheduled elevator burn. They do a nice job for the county.

So anyway, we elected officials set their budget and provide oversight. For this meeting, I think every city in Story County had someone there except Ames, and maybe Collins. We also had a Story County Mayor's meeting prior to the Emergency Management meeting. We don't really do much with that, other than eat and socialize. At this meeting I sat by Mayor Jensen of Story City and had a good chat with him. Obviously both of our communities have aligned interests, so it is always good to touch base with what is going on in Story City.

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