Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dec 5 Council Meeting

Pretty quick meeting. Everybody was there but CM Canny. We had some comments from the public regarding our sump inspections.

Council approved the appointment of Mindi Balmer to the Park Board. We approved the Open Records policy. That basically sets the process and costs for someone requesting public records. Lacking a policy previously, the council approved the cost for the existing request we had going.

We approved the TIF report that must be filed with the state regarding our TIF district in the industrial park.

During the council comments, CM Ford reviewed the goals and plans from the 2008 planning session that the council set. Nice to see that many of the goals and plans have been done, or a good start. They were things like the library move, a new west Roland park, manhole rehab. I wasn't Mayor at the time, so I don't have the list on me, but it was nice to hear. Sometimes it seems like stuff moves really slow, but things do progress.

Again, a short meeting, so not much to report here from the meeting. Unlike years past, we will be having 2 council meetings in December--because we have switched to 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, instead of the previous 2nd and 4th Mondays.

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