Anyway, within a week or three you should be getting a letter in the mail from the city requesting assistance in gathering damage info from flooding and or water backup into basements. The city is applying for a grant to mitigate future floods and backups, and any information we can gather on that topic will help us with getting that grant.
Depending how much money we get, and where and what the noted issues were, will help us decide on what to fix and where. It could end up as small as cutting down the inflow to our sewers by relining a couple streets worth of sewer lines, or it could be for a really big project like creating a secondary trunk line for our sewer, which would help get the sewage to our plant more quickly, reducing the chance for backups.
So more info is coming. But just wanted to give an early headsup on this. Your help in providing info could get our city up to $500,000. This is a big deal, so I hope, if you had a problem (and this goes back to any problem since 1995), that you could help out your fellow citizens, and help us prevent future problems.
Thanks for the info, Roger. I will definitely keep an eye out for it. We'd never had problems before this last summer.