Sunday, November 14, 2010

What else the mayor does

As the Mayor of Roland, I am on the Story County 911 board. I attended our quarterly meeting last week. One of the big topics is we are starting the process for a new communications system in Story County. Currently our police, fire, and EMS, use a system that uses radio equipment from the early 1980s.

Kinda funny, because when I see pictures of it, it was equipment I worked on in my previous job in West Virginia 14 years ago. And that stuff in West Virginia was not necessarily cutting edge at the time. It was made by Motorola, and they no longer make the equipment, so our vendor, to maintain it, buys parts off Ebay and equivalent sites to replace bad parts.

We will have some amount of funding stream for it, with the 911 surcharge on your phone bill. But in any case, it will be pricy. We are still a couple years off, but that is something we will need to be doing in the future.

So going back to what else I do as a mayor, being on boards like that is what a mayor has to do, and attend meetings down in Nevada. I have the 911 Board, the Emergency Management Board, meetings with other towns that contract with the Sheriff for police protection, and then just the general Story County Mayors Association.

So since I mentioned 911, just for fun, here is a video with some strange 911 calls.

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