Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Don't forget, the Roland voting location is now in the Community Center on Main Street.

I'm gonna put in some plugs for people I'm voting for. (as opposed to holding my nose, and voting against somebody)
Secretary of State: Matt Schultz. He wants to institute the need to show a photo id for voting. I think that would help clean up our elections. Also, I hate that I need to show more id to buy Sudafed then vote. Matt Schultz
Attorney General: Brenna Findley. Young go getter that will fight back on some of the federal intrusions into our state. Brenna Findley
State Treasurer: Dave Jamison. He has done a great job here in Story County, and can also do so for our state finances. Dave Jamison
State Auditor: Dave Vaudt. Great job on shining the light on the financial stuff being pulled by the governor and the legislature. Dave Vaudt.
Secretary of Agriculture: Bill Northey. The past 4 years I haven't heard anything about his office. Not sure why we even have a Secretary of Agriculture. So if we have one, and he isn't causing trouble, sounds good to me. Bill Northey.
Governor: Eric Cooper. I'm a libertarian at heart. Here is an opportunity to vote for one. He's not gonna win, but I can vote for libertarian principles here. Eric is a good guy, from Ames. Eric Cooper.
US Senator: John Heiderschiedt. Another Libertarian. Don't wanna vote for a Libertarian? If you voted for me, you already did. He's not gonna win, Grassley is going to cruise to victory, what the heck, vote for John Heiderschiedt, he has only a slightly worse chance than Roxanne.
County Supervisor: You can vote for two. I know one I am going to vote for, Rick Sanders. He is a guy with a passion for the job, and is not afraid to challenge the status quo. Don't really know much about the other 3, but I am voting for Rick Sanders.
County Treasurer: Renee Twedt. Renee has a good background in handling money/financial stuff at the Kockler CPA firm in Nevada. She lives outside Story City, and I know her from her work as Treasurer for North Story Little League, of which I am a board member. She does a good job for us, and I think she would do a super job as county treasurer. Renee Twedt.

I've rattled on enough, but that is a good start for some of my faves on the ballot. And if you aren't voting for the above, just a reminder the election is on Wednesday, November 3rd.

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