I have had the privilege of serving two terms on the Roland City Council, and two terms as the Roland Mayor. I thought that was enough for now, so I decided not to seek re-election for the seat of Mayor this year. As it turns out, no one else was interested in filing either, so the Mayor spot was to be filled with a write-in candidate in Tuesday's election.
The Story County Auditor called me Wednesday, and informed me that I was the leading vote getter of write-in votes for Roland Mayor.
So with that news, a primer on Iowa election law in regards to the Mayor slot. The leading write-in candidate is offered the job. If s/he turns it down, it is then offered to the second place vote getter. If that person turns it down, it falls upon the city council to appoint someone to the position. It does not automatically keep going down the list of people receiving votes.
Since I was prepared for my term to be done, I called the person who received the second most number of votes. He indicated he did not want to take the role of Mayor. So at that point, the situation was such that the council was going to need to appoint someone in January of 2014.
I thought about the situation a bit, and where the city and the City Council are on various projects. I've been working with the council on our new storm and sanitary sewer project. We are almost to the part where we are prepared to work on details for financing. I really would like to see that project go forth with the effort that the council has put towards it.
Also, in January through March, the City Council and city staff work on our next fiscal year's budget. That is one of my favorite roles as Mayor. I don't have a vote, but I have always enjoyed working with our staff, city boards, and council to come up with a budget that provides desired city services while keeping our property taxes in the lower half of communities in Story County. City budgets are one of the most confusing things for new mayors and council members, and the way our elections roll, those people are thrown right in the thick of it, as soon as they take office. Simply as a citizen of Roland, I would prefer to not have a Mayor leading that discussion who was thrown into that situation.
So I have to decided to accept the results of the election and continue on as Roland's Mayor. However, I plan to only do so thru the efforts to nail down the financing of our sewer project, and to complete the 2014-15 budget. So I expect to resign the position of Mayor on or around March 31, 2014. With my resignation at that time, the City Council will have to appoint a replacement. I don't like the thought of resigning, but whether I leave at the end of my current term, or at the end of March, the City Council will still have to appoint someone to the Mayor position.
This will also give three additional months for a candidate to come forth and get up to speed on city business. I think we have a good City Council and enjoy working with them. So I have confidence we are in good shape with those folks. It is a gratifying feeling to see that some amount of people still decided to write my name in, even when I indicated no interest in the position. I'm proud of our community, how safe it is, how we have a great new park, and how many young families are choosing to live here. My plan is to continue to give best effort towards the position of Mayor. Thank you to those that have expressed your support.