Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Turket Trot-5K run
Sept 19 Council Meeting
In the public input we heard for the sheriff's department, like we do once a month. Generally we have nothing to report, and that is a good thing. If you have any concerns about the sheriff's department, or a law enforcement issue, you can let them, City Hall, or me or one of the council members know.
Since I have waited almost a week to post this, I don't remember any specifics about the department head's reports. I do know the sump inspections are moving forward.
We heard a presentation from JCG Land Services about potentially hiring them for land acquisition in the area of sewer trunk line, should we choose to do so. No decision was made on that.
And that is pretty much it, of note.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Need a P&Z Commissioner
If that is your thing, drop me or City Hall a note.
Don't forget to schedule your sump pump inspection
So please schedule, it will help Roland out, and it will help your checkbook out.
Sept 5 Council Meeting
Anyway everybody was there in one way or another. CM Proctor attended via phone.
We had some public input that didn't sit well with me. A citizen expressed disappointment on our notifications during the water break, and the quality of the notices. Apparently our city webpage, Facebook, a posting at the post office, at City Hall, the city LED message sign by Casey's, 4 mobile signs placed at each entrance, the Ames and DSM newspapers, WHO and KASI radio, and the county emergency management webpage and Facebook page were not enough. We will do better next time.
We had some administrative stuff regarding our budget and road use money. I appointed, and the council approved Jennifer Boggs to the Pool Board. Thanks to Jennifer. That is one of those thankless jobs in the city. (Well, I said, thanks, not sure anybody else does).
We had a discussion regarding payment of a bill for soil samples for the trunkline project. We are going to pay a lesser amount, as we were concerned about the drilling on a couple of the holes.
The council also requested a firm to visit us at the next council meeting to potentially work with landowners in the area of the trunkline sewer. Not a done deal, but they were recommended as a possibility to take over some duties, considering the problems we have had accomplishing what we said we were going to do regarding this project.
Not sure what will come of that, but we will be talking to them in this public forum. The public is certainly invited to come to that council meeting.