IT IS BASEBALL SIGNUP TIME! 2010 signups for Roland-Story based teams will be at both the Story City American Legion and Roland Community Center (south of the library) from 2 to 4PM on both Sunday, February 7 and Saturday February 13.
North Story County Little League is for players aged 9-16. Age used is the player's age on April 30, 2010. Eight year olds who are currently in the 3rd grade are also eligible to partipate.
To save time at signup, you can preprint the registration and medical release forms, and bring them with you, along with the $35 registration fee. In person registrations are great for new players, to give an opportunity for players and parents to ask questions about the season. Parents interested in coaching can also leave their name at the registration.
Mail registration is also an option. For Roland-Story based teams, send the completed registration, medical release form, and a check for $35 made out to NSCLL, and mail it to: North Story County Little League, Mike Wilgenbusch, 1316 Fairway Ave., Story City, IA 50248 If you have questions, email